
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2022


Hi everyone, welcome to our last section of podcast named People. My name is Julio Davila and today, I am going to talk to you about People’s behavior   In our country, the behavior of the citizens can depend on the place that they come from, or the situations that they experienced in the past. Those behaviors can vary a lot, for instance, if you are visiting a tourist site you are going to find kind and friendly citizens but also some of them might be not so kind and they just avoid talking to new people being a little unsociable. However, this is something that used to happen in all cultures and countries not just specifically in ours, you always find either sociable or unsociable people when traveling to a new place. Our society is filled with prejudices, these are related to religion, economic status, native groups, and so forth. For making emphasis to what was previously stated we can say that those people who belong to different religions are not tolerant of each other bel

Nicaragua's culture

Hello, and welcome to our fourth section of podcasts called Nicaragua’s culture. My name is Arelys Davila and Today I am going to talk about our first episode which is Traditions and beliefs. Traditions and beliefs are the representation of a country, or a group of people from a determined space. Each local town, community, or village has its own traditions and beliefs even if not all the individuals belong to the same country. Traditions and beliefs can be manifested in different ways, for example, music, gastronomy, people’s culture, and how people behave. In some situations, traditions and beliefs attract foreign people to visit cultural countries, maybe for the history or for its picturesque architecture that has a specific place. From our viewpoint, it is pretty important to know about our culture (traditions and beliefs) that our country has but also other cultures. It is so embarrassing when someone asks us what do we know about our local place or the general culture of our


Hello and welcome to our third section of podcasts called “relationships” My name is Katherine Toruño and today’s topic is “family”. When we hear the word FAMILY, it comes to our minds the relatives, such as dad, mom, siblings, grandpa, grandma, aunts, uncles and so on; But Family has a paramount meaning, that is to say, something deeper. It is supposed that your family members are the ones who are closest to you, but that is not the case in all families due to some differences that may exist between some of the members, and they do not get along well with all of them. There are some particular things that make a family, for instance, communication, respect for each other, kindness, support, and one of the most essential parts ´´LOVE´´. Respect to all the members of the family keeps being crucial to building good communication among the whole family, respecting the opinions and thoughts that they could have about some topics, that sometimes are controversial for some people to ta


1.       Hello and welcome to our second section of podcasts called Environment which is divided into three episodes. My Name is Julio Davila, and I am gonna talk to you about Deforestation and water pollution.   Each year the temperatures on our planet are going up due to the deforestation throughout our forests. Some families are getting bigger and they need to build more houses, and that is why they need to use a lot of wood. Additionally, the use of precious wood is a new business’s way, where the virgin forests is a great option to explore, and a lot of big companies which work with furniture production increase the deforestation onto those areas destroying them entirely, and not doing anything to recover them; besides, many governments around the world are not implementing measures or laws to protect their forests and the illegal cutting of precious wood keep ascending. Similarly, some governments have implemented some laws working together with organizations that protect the

The COVID 19 pandemic

Hello and welcome to our first section of podcasts called “The COVID 19, pandemic.” Which contains three episodes,  m y name is Arelys Dávila and today I’m gonna talk   to you about the impact of COVID 19 in society.   The COVID 19 pandemic brought a lot of issues in our society, it drove a large number of people crazy with countless fake news, besides, others took advantage of the hard situation. When the pandemic started in China, we never thought that it would get to us. At that moment some young people made a lot of memes about it. However, that fun turned out in something quite different later on, getting to a lot of countries really quickly and infecting thousands of people in record time. Besides, when the pandemic got worse in our country some people took advantage of the situation, for instance, some of them began to raise the prices of some products such as masks, alcohol, liquid soap, and others. As well we know all these products help to reduce the infection of the