
Hi everyone, welcome to our last section of podcast named People. My name is Julio Davila and today, I am going to talk to you about People’s behavior


In our country, the behavior of the citizens can depend on the place that they come from, or the situations that they experienced in the past. Those behaviors can vary a lot, for instance, if you are visiting a tourist site you are going to find kind and friendly citizens but also some of them might be not so kind and they just avoid talking to new people being a little unsociable. However, this is something that used to happen in all cultures and countries not just specifically in ours, you always find either sociable or unsociable people when traveling to a new place.

Our society is filled with prejudices, these are related to religion, economic status, native groups, and so forth. For making emphasis to what was previously stated we can say that those people who belong to different religions are not tolerant of each other beliefs, arguing and questioning the way that others live their religion. Also, most people pay a lot of attention to the way that you dress, and for some of them, that represents or defines your economic position, which is totally untrue. Additionally, when you are a rich person in some places, they tend to treat you better because you can pay more than any other average individual. In addition, racism is present in our social lives, that is to say, some people have preferences for specific groups; one of the examples is that people with dark skin have fewer opportunities than people with fair skin.

Therefore, the lack of tolerance is present in a big part of our society. If you talk about politics here you have to be extremely careful because not all the citizens are going to respect or stand your mindset especially if do not have the same party as them. The same happens when you talk openly about the LGBTQ community, normally people who are a little obsessed with the religious mindset are always sending to hell to the whole community. Even, in some families can be seen some kind of prejudices when root families are very traditional and many of them do not accept sexual diversity. 

On one hand, people’s behavior sometimes depends on how others individuals treat them, that is to say, if one finds kindness in some people, that person gives the same action. On the other side we should keep in mind that behavior is not cause and effect, therefore, good behavior must be equal for the people, independently how the individual behaves with us.


Thank you for listening.


Hello everyone, welcome to our second episode of our segment called People. My name is Arelys Davila and today I am going to share with you about diversity.


UNESCO states that Culture takes diverse forms across time and space. This diversity is embodied in the uniqueness and plurality of the identities of the groups and societies making up humankind. As a source of exchange, innovation, and creativity, cultural diversity is as necessary for humankind as biodiversity is for nature. In this sense, it is the common heritage of humanity and should be recognized and affirmed for the benefit of present and future generations.

Diversity's meaning can vary from the viewpoint of some people or can be manifested in different ways. But in terms of culture and people, we can say that every single place has its identity and diversity which make it special. In our country, there is a great diversity, for this reason, we can observe different people’s behavior. Diversity forms part of us as human beings, that is to say, every person behaves, believes, and acts differently from others and it must be respected because the world wouldn’t make any sense if everybody thought in the same way.

Christianity is the reigning religion in Nicaragua formed mainly by catholic people, but we can see others such as Baptist, Adventist, apostolic, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etcetera. Some of these congregations have good relationships in spite of the different mindsets that they have about God, the bible, and religion. Nonetheless, in some situations, some of them argue on other´ believes or thoughts saying a lot of offensive things about their convictions. Furthermore, religious people tend to criticize a lot to those individuals who are not involved in any religious congregations. We point out that diversity goes beyond religious acceptance between congregations, it is also to understand and accept the diversity that presents our society.

Also, there is another part of the diversity that some individuals don’t admit and it is sexual diversity, as well we know, some part of society is quite conservative in those topics which make them controversial. In some countries, sexual diversity is more open than in other places and it has made that some people are against or in favor. Always in our families, we have at least one or two members who belong to the LGBTQ community, and most of the time those individuals live in the closet because they are afraid about what their families can think and say about them. This topic turns out controversial and uncomfortable when the families’ origin is very traditional and attached to a determined religion. To our mind, we should respect and love each other independently of our sexuality. In conclusion, diversity is all that that we can observe in our society and culture as part of one´s identity which can be changing over time.


Thank you so much for paying attention.



Hello and welcome to our last people´s episode. My name is Katherine Toruño and today I am going to share with you about People’s economical condition

Despite Nicaragua is a Rich country with Lakes, mountains, volcanos, etcetera. Also, is considered one of the poorest countries around the world. Economic conditions of some families are difficult and it can bring desperation for them, taking as a decision the immigration for those countries where there are more opportunities to work. As well we know, it is a little hard to live or survive in a place where there is not enough employment for everyone. The main purpose of some individuals when they leave their nations is to give a better future to their families, to gain money with the idea of having their own home or businesses. Nevertheless, when those people leave their country, they have to think that the context in a foreign country is pretty different, it is not the same to be in your own home, because in the process or path to accomplish the target, it can be tough either for the family or the person who leaves his country. In this case, we can mention the American dream where a lot of people have opted to travel to that country with the notion that if they get there, they are going to have better economic conditions; however, the price all those people have to pay is a little high, if they start their trip, the first struggle is that they will not see their families for a long time, even, to double their effort forgetting and putting aside their social lives.

As we said previously, in Nicaragua there is a great number of people living in poverty, that poverty can differ depending on the location place. For people working in garbage dumps the conditions can be extremely hard in everyday life because not all the time the dumps are going to provide them the most necessary to survive and it can bring precarious conditions for the families.

 In other cases, some families have money to innovate and create something by themselves, they only need to think about specific ideas for creating or innovating, sometimes, there are resources, however, people do not care to see things from a new perspective and they are very afraid of taking risk. If they could light up their minds and think of what they can do with the resources that they have, they would obtain a higher economic condition in a short time. We have to keep in mind that the power is our mind and poverty is there too, if people could analyze the importance of taking advantage of what they have, all of them would probably come up with some surprising and new ideas. Here we can mention individuals who fund and run their own businesses, starting from small stores and going to big companies that many times generate a great number of jobs. Therefore, At the end of the day, people’s conditions can change if they are willing to change them.


Thank you so much for listening and we hope that you have enjoyed the lesson.


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